Saturday, September 25, 2010


On Thursday at the audition, I saw a girl that I used to play with in 1st grade. We weren't in the same class, but she was really nice and I played with her. So I went up and said hi. She didn't remember me. I thought she would, so I was kind of disappointed. I wonder if she remembered me a bit after the audition or if she still thinks I am a complete stranger. Why does memory work like it does? I can remember that girl from 7 years ago AND my lines from a play 3 years ago but I can't remember the commutative property of whatever that I studied in algebra a month ago. My great-grandma can remember stuff that happened to her in the '30s but can't remember what she did yesterday. The mind does not make much sense.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today's the audition for The Little Prince. I'd like to go out for the fox or the snake, but really it'd just be cool if I got into the ensemble. This is my first audition for Cary Applause, so I'm kind of nervous, but I think it's going to be great!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I join Teenink

For those of you who don't know what Teenink is, it's a place where teens can post short stories, poems, essays, etc. and other kids can come and read them. I already wrote a small story, but it might take a bit to get approved. I'll let you know if it gets published.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What I thought about Mockingjay (spoiler alert)

Ok so recently I read the last book of the Hunger Games trilogy. I found it to be somewhat confusing and disappointing at times, but pretty good overall. Here is my main complaint:

-Katniss should have gone with Gale! She's known him longer and Peeta, once you take away all the lovey-dovey stuff and all the acting during the Games, is an uninteresting sack of mush. (some of you will disagree but this is my opinion)

-Cinna should not have died!

And here is what I did like:

-I like that Gale went back to help in the district that he bombed out. It shows his conscience.

-Absolutely LOVED the ending with Katniss's decision to shoot Coin instead of Snow. Snow wasn't a threat anymore. Coin would have ultimately killed her.

All in all, good book but I still like the first one the best.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I have a few words to say about 9/11.

It was horrible.

The people who organized it were a tiny fraction of the Muslim population.

There is no reason, therefore, to be prejudiced against all Muslims.

I am glad Pastor Terry Jones called off his Qur'an burning, but he shouldn't have planned it in the first place.

For extended ranting on the aforementioned topic, see a post in The Liberal Rocker

Saturday, September 4, 2010

At the beach

Hello people! I'm posting this on location from Emerald Isle, Outer Banks. Every year on Labor Day week, Mom's family like to come down to the best beach in the universe. For our four years coming, we always rent good old Fairhaven Cottage. I'll be here for one beautiful week (a perk of homeschooling), getting run over by waves and digging holes. No sign of Earl, Fiona or the rest yet!