Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cary City Invitational Swim Meet!

As you might have guessed, I competed in a town-wide swim meet today. It is THE biggest sports thing I do and the Waves (my neighborhood team) actually did pretty well this year. We came in second, next to a big ol' country club that always wins. We also had the most swimmers- 88 of our Waves competed. AND we had the Best Swimmer. (there is no award for this, just my opinion) A guy in our 15-18 group totally dominated. We think he's on the fast track to the Olympics.
That said, I did pretty mediocre. Here are my scores:
Medley Relay: My group got DQ'ed (not my fault, but I was lousy too)
Freestyle: 53rd place
Backstroke: I don't know, but it was horrible
Breaststroke: didn't even enter
Butterfly: 38th place
Freestyle Relay: One of my group left early, so we couldn't do it

Oh well. I had lots of fun anyway and I'll do it again next year!

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion if you have fun you win. Winning is a broad term... in fact I see 17 definitions in the web dictionary..enough room to say that if you compete, if you have fun, then you have won.
