Sunday, August 29, 2010

Swimming with the Lake Weeds

This morning I went down to Harris Lake with Dad and a lot of other people to do the one-mile Nuclear Swim. It's called that because the lake is next to the Sharon Harris power plant. It was fun, except there was a lot of "lake grass," even in the middle of the lake. I came in second in my age group, so I got a little plaque with a radioactive symbol on it :-). Dad didn't come in last.

My Time: 40 min
Dad's Time: 36 min
Winning time: 21 min

It was great and I want to do it next year!
P.S. 1 mile may not seem like a lot, but in swimming it really is.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ok, ebooks aren't as bad as I thought

Yes, I said it. I downloaded a free ebook app, Stanza, onto my iPod and I like it pretty much. I'll admit, it's useful to not have to go to the library to get a book, get a book they don't have at the library, or carry around a heavy book. And so far, I have only downloaded free books so that part is good. But I still like regular books better!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

Hi everybody! I am writing this post from my new iPod Touch, so if it looks wacky it means that I am learning. I had a pretty good birthday today, just spent time with my family and took a day off from homeschool. It was good, despite the fact that I had a minor cold, felt sore and tired, and kept bumping into things. I hope you all had a great day and I hope I can get some more songs on this thingamajig by tomorrow!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy (not really) Fourth of July!

It's odd, isn't it?

For those of you who didn't know, some vandals broke into our neighborhood pool on the night of July 3, and broke glass in and around it. It was pretty bad, because we here in Wellsley have a huge pool party for Independence Day. My family was shocked, but we pulled ourselves together and had a great backyard party with some close friends. I assumed that the other residents acted similarly, but apparently some people were really upset by the cancellation(and had spent much money on supplies, granted), because now they decided to celebrate today.

On August 22nd.

You'd think, if they had to reschedule it, they would do it immediately after the pool was cleaned up, but in late August? I didn't go, by the way, but the rest of my family did. I never really felt that attached to the party. Happy Fourth of July! (Ha, ha.)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Homeschool Thru High School

Me and my mom have been very preoccupied lately with this. I don't know how rock4ever95 does it. Maybe he has been doing it since he started, but it involves buying books on your own. And you might think this is no big deal, but since 3rd grade I have gotten all my textbooks in a neat little box with a lesson plan to boot. And now we can't find the exact history book we need. Also, Mom has been doing research and she found out that some textbooks have some biased material. For example, ours says, "The so-and-so religious followers BELIEVED this," and it also says, "This prophet CAME TO these other religious followers." Little stuff, but you can see the slant. It's confusing.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Belated Post

Hi, I meant to post this yesterday, but I was busy. Yesterday, incidentally Friday the 13th, was International Left Handers' Day. As I am the only lefty in my family, my sisters sadly did not see fit to throw me a party. To celebrate yesterday, here are some famous left-handed people:

Barack Obama
Paul McCarteney
Kurt Cobain
Alexander the Great
Friedrich Nietzsche
Leonardo da Vinci
Ringo Starr
Ronald Reagan
Helen Keller
Fidel Castro
Santi Raphael
Napoleon Bonaparte
Julius Caesar
Lewis Carroll
Buzz Aldrin
Jay Leno
Jimi Hendrix
Lloque Yupanqui (Inca monarch)
Maurice Ravel
Charlie Chaplin
Joan of Arc
Whoopi Goldberg
Babe Ruth
Jim Henson
Marilyn Monroe
Simon Bolivar
Mohandas Gandhi

If you know anyone I left out/have any corrections, please post!
Happy belated Lefty Day!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cool drawing website

Hey everybody, I found a cool drawing website. It's called deviant art, and it has really cool functions. You'd be amazed at what you can do. Here's a link, just copy & paste!

Also, you can make them into tee shirts, but you have to pay. Have fun!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hey everybody, I'm back from my grandparents' house. I did not catch a scorpion. Instead, I caught two lubber grasshoppers. Their names are Mr. Miyagi and Bellatrix. Hopefully, I will start a population of the large black insects in NC and you will hear about them in a news bit about invasive species a year later. As I have said many times before, I regret nothing. Please post comments. They don't even have to be about this post.